Fredensborg Castle, Maintenance tasks on the main roof

Da man i sin tid inddækkede denne kasse, blev der lavet nogle basale inddækningsfejl. Er man it is clear that this kind of cover-up will always cause problems.

Here one tried to perform a repair, which has only made it all leak, because the balustrade stood just after the façade or “seed-eyes” as it is sometimes called is basically good enough if it is done correctly. This one wasn’t done right. There’s no question that it’s been really hard to perform in its time.

Then we are in the process of changing the copper, a work that requires great concentration and meticulousness. I think Thomas and Tonny did the job to perfection. This is despite the fact that the substrate is very uneven.

So you get in a good mood to work in such a beautiful environment

Then the box is repaired in the first place. From here, the architect must take a further re-use of it.

When reviewing the copper together with Kgl Building Inspector and architect Henning Gammelgaard from Creo Arkitekter, it was decided to change all the copper under the balustrade. Even the copper that was switching from about 40 years ago was stressed out by poor work and hard pressure on the copper roof from the balustrade.

Here we are about to be finished – beautiful it seems.

When you hit about 10,000 blows with the hammer in a day, there is only one thing to do, sit and enjoy the view 🙂

In the 2010 season – 2011

Here we were asked if we would repair some water damage that winter had caused the castle. In this context, the job itself appeared to be a limited task that would not take long.

We got smarter. As we opened, it became clear to the Architect and us that this problem was a smuggle bigger than that. We were simply dealing with a gedin game of sloppy to do – unfortunately. The roof has apparently been leaking all the time, but not leaking enough to cause water damage. In my world, these are the most dangerous injuries – they are not discovered in time.

Slots and Real Estate Agency
Henning Gammelgaard, Creo Architects
in 2010 – 2011