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Børsen – Copenhagen

City Hall of Lyngby

Frederiksberggade 2 – Copenhagen

Copper roof at the Royal Danish Academy of Music


Tombak Facade in Thorshavn – Faroe Islands

Metropol Kuplen – Frederiksberggade 16, Strøget

Skt. Katharina Kirke – Store Heddinge

Copper roof at the Royal Danish Academy of Music

Nyhavn 71 – Reception desk in Copper

Copper Pavilion

Postgården – København K

Strandvejsvilla Vedbæk

Vimmelskaftet – Copenhagen

Kroghsgade – Østerbro

Frederiksbergs Town Hall Tower

Admiral Hotel – Restaurant SALT

The Royal Library – Nørre Alle 49, Copenhagen Ø

Copper assignment in Holte

Marselisborg Castle, Århus

Church of Our Saviour, Christianshavn

Le Somelier Bar, Copenhagen Airport, Air Side

Marienlyst Castle, Helsingør

Orla Lehmanns Vej 3 A-F, Frederiksberg

Øregaard High School, New building, Gersonsvej 32, 2900 Hellerup

Fredensborg Castle, Maintenance tasks on the main roof

A villa in Allerød

Brolæggerstræde 3, Copenhagen K

Kong Christian Alle 1, Fredensborg

Mændenes Hjem, Istedgade

The Royal Library, Holms Building

Amalienborg, København

Fredensborg Castle

Haraldsborg, Islands Brygge 19, Copenhagen S

The church at Regensen, Founded in 1569 by King Frederik the II

Vemmetofte Allé 1, Gentofte

Sct. Andreas Ordenen, Frederiksberg Alle 11

Rørholmgade 11-13, Copenhagen

Vestergade 18 – 20, Copenhagen

Nytorv 3, Nordea

Hjalmar Brantings Plads 8

Urban Outfitters, Pilestrædet, Copenhagen

Bernstorff Castle, the lodge

Orlogsmuseet, Christianshavn

Botanisk Institut, Copenhagen

Amaliegade 27, Søndre Pavillon, Copenhagen

Dybendal Hospital, afd. S, i Frederikssund

Bentsonzvej 52 B, Frederiksberg

Bianco Lunos Vej 5, Gundvigsvej 9, Frederiksberg

Lindenovsgade, Hovgårdsgade, 2100 København Ø.

Strandgade, Wildersgade, Bådsmandsstrædet, Christianshavn, Copenhagen

Ndr. Frihavnsgade 56, Ved Vænget 5-7, 2100 Copenhagen
We have been assigned some great tasks over the years, whereas only the special projects will be shown here. If you wish to see more references or want information about individual solutions, you’re more than welcome to contacts us by phone +45 40 62 18 48 or by e-mail.
On the individual assignment more pictures are shown by clicking on the picture.
Crafts connected across technical borders
It’s always important to focus on the right and proper communication. Many solutions on a construction site are often agreed on in consultation with constructor, architects or other craftsmen. This secures an alignment and consistency in the decision-making for the whole construction site.
Listed buildings
Brian Toft has for many years studied historic crafts, especially work with copper and zinc. He has travelled a lot where he has come in contact with foreign craftsmen, studied old buildings, technics and construction methods. It’s a fact, that copper roofing can have a lifespan that last for up to 100 years. But it has to be properly fitted and on a surface which can secure as long lifespan as the copper itself.
Copper roofing as a craft
"A real copper roofer’s work-philosophy should be; that you’re not better than your last job. It’s a way to secure progression for yourself and your craft. At the same time it’s a necessity to study and understand the historic perspective in a craft, where traditions reaches back more than 400 years, and the job you’re performing now, can be seen for more than 100 years to come." Brian Toft