Bianco Lunos Vej 5, Gundvigsvej 9, Frederiksberg

Incidentally, there were many injuries…………… These damages had to be repaired once and for all so that the skiff roof should not be touched for the next 60 years. The carpenter’s work was thoroughly implemented. It wasn’t the easiest roof to create, there were many odd angles to be taken into account and fix points that were just a nuisance. But they solved the task to a large 11 numbers. Then there’s the skiff. The tower had to be covered, finally, the task solved……… Then we finished and the result was approved with satisfaction. It was a fun and inspiring task. Skanska was driving at the time with a “Tag and Fag” concept. This meant that we had carpenters and bricklayers who were used to working together and stepped in when another subject needed help. The concept it works – still. This time, Niels Lauersen, from Skanska, called me and said he had a job I couldn’t say no to. With a corner property into which the corner itself was curved, and the kiln has a tower on it. The task was clear and illuminating. So to work. When I saw the existing 450 x 650 skifferstone and how the roof was designed, it became clear to me that this particular roof suitable for a special skiffer, which has the dimension 300 x 460. The smaller stone makes it easier for the large roof surfaces to work without the skiff break or otherwise break. A total of about 17,000 stones were used. At 5 years of review, a total of 5 skifferstones had been changed.

Dismantling of the roof was placed in Skanska’s hands – They were effective – The scaffolding was also included by Skanska. Good working conditions were not spared.

The owners' association in the property