There are many different levels that should fit together, including that the front edge should be straight and at the same time have fall towards the descent. It was a carpentry challenge that succeeded in the best possible way. It was then our exit to the scaffolding, and you can just see Preben from LP Entreprise in the window. Here we are covering up and just finished the first half. There is a lack of “only” just 30 cm fold. Here you can see the woodwork under the copper. Also note that you do not see the bearings for the gutter. They are hidden while we had to make a smooth transition to the tree. The final result. A job of which we are incredibly proud. We managed to create the impression Thomas Gamborg would with his sketches and drawings. Karen Gamborg Knudsen and Kasper Magnussen are the architects who got the project on track so we could do the job. Obviously a very special and different task in the very good way. Sometime in the spring, I got a call from the architects Gamborg and Magnusson. They presented me with some drawings as so extremely exciting looking. Something resembling a wing from a plane and sitting as a porch to the Men’s Home. Thomas Gamborg had drawn the decoration over the entrance to the Men’s Home. I figured out a price but could see that it couldn’t bear. We had an ongoing dialogue on modifications and the enabling of the project. As the talk went back and forth, I became more and more “hot” about making it, and eventually we reached an agreement on the execution of the project. I had to do it in the main contract and talked to my tower carpenter/joiner about the task. He also agreed that it should be done at a very good price. We were introduced to 3 staff members at the Men’s home, principal Robert and the sou chef and their all-time husband Pyk. We then got started in July 2010 and finished in August. Working right over the entrance to the Men’s Home was sometimes really exciting. Especially when users had gotten too much. However, we had the scaffolding build up so that you couldn’t get up on it from the street but had to get out of a window. We were told that it was Denmark’s hardest corner. We’d like to think so. Together with the architects Karen and Kasper, we found solutions that could last. It’s all carried by a steel tripod, which I had to calculate stature on. Karen and Kasper did all the drawings we needed. They were really on and came up with some really good solutions. We got the carpenters LP Entreprise to set up the racks in limankre. Subsequently, LP construction carpenter built up the construction, which we had to build on. It all came to look like this. In a construction case like this, we must constantly see that we perform what the artist/architect Thomas Gamborg had designed. It succeeded down in detail to about 2 mm. During the process, we encountered some practical problems, such as the downflow out from the small gutter. It couldn’t be seen from below. It was a small challenge that we got solved. Lucky for us, it quickly became clear to the Superintendent Robert and the Architects Karen and Kasper that the downs also had to be changed. We were very happy with that as we thought it was a great thing to have a plastic drain through our copper. Up walls, it quickly became clear that we were “stepping up” our loose edges (they’re the ones sitting on the wall). The next fun thing was to unite all the different surfaces. In fact, it succeeded beyond all expectations. We drew and stroked, so we were sure that we wouldn’t buckle ourselves and at the same time got an appearance that appeared simple. For the sake of good order, we put a link to the Men’s Home here men’s home. It is a really good and informative website for those who are interested. A link to Gamborg and Magnussen is here :