Our second slightly larger task with the export of skiffer roof on the property. After reviewing the skiffer on the tower, it was decided that the existing skiff was in fine condition and could easily handle 50 more years. We removed the existing skiffs, the substrate was repaired and treated, after which we remounted the existing skiffer stones. All in all a nice task which was done on time. We could see that the skiff itself on the tower had many years to go and therefore did not need to be changed. So the exercise consisted of dismantling the existing skiff and fitting it once the carpenter had changed the tree, to connect to perform a new spire. A lot of people think you just have to knock on some wood, and then it’s going to sit for the next 60 years. Experience has taught me that it doesn’t matter how you do it, but that it takes a very specific exercise to put a natural ski stone right in. When I started the tower task, I had the experience I needed to do the job correctly. The case was handed in. In addition to the tower itself, I had to change the roof of the entire street side all around.
Ndr. Frihavnsgade 56, Ved Vænget 5-7, 2100 Copenhagen
The Cooperative Housing Association.
Peter Jahn og partnere A/S, Claus Damm