The gutters are cut, rounded and vulstes. Then we solder them together in 4 meter lengths and place them in the gutters.. It’s red long in the background which got new gutters. The scaffolding was used to stock the new gutters One morning around the coffee break, we suddenly heard someone shouting very loudly right outside our container door. Yes the experiences can be many. Garder Husarene was going to work and “rehearsing” the square in front of us. We just had to perpetuate this. They are beautiful in all their splendour and gala equipment. Beautiful is the house and work has begun. The house is about 100 meters long. Again, it is important to install the zinc so that it has full expansion at all times. Thus, this assembly can typically last for up to 60 years. Fine it was and cold it was. Some errors were found around the frontipieces, which are not too good. On this occasion, the stonemason was summoned, and we had to replace the bulkhead on the side of the front. In the season 2009 – 2010, we both work on the castle, which in turn was the old craft. Replacing gutters and zinc drains on “red long” and replacing zinc, including gutters, platters and bulkheads on the Lake’s The houses. We went from changing gutters in short sleeves, to minus 12 degrees and performing the The-houses. In the old days when you “hand-rolled” gutters and drains, you also performed trench irons and hinge pins yourself. However, there were plumber companies that sold gutters and iron to colleagues. This means that there were standards for sizes and cuts, but any real plumber could recognize his own products because he had just moved the standard target slightly so that a standard gutter or standard downflow didn’t fit. Then why would it be different here? Neither was it. Resolutely we took a piece of guttering, folded it out and got the cut-off target. Next, we rolled all the gutters to suit the old gutters. We also found that it was the same with the downs. But we had the host eye so it wasn’t a problem. Again you take care of yourself in enjoying these beautiful surroundings and very friendly people you go and work with. You really want to work and just give it a little extra. Too nice it has to be built.
Fredensborg Castle
slots and the real estate agency
Creo Arkitekter, Arkitekt Henning Gammelgaard.